Monday, October 3, 2011

I'm so amazed....

I knew that running would change my life for the better.  But I had no idea that the people I would meet because of running would become such an important part of my life!  

Dare I say that I'm addicted to the running group that I coach?  

Don't freak out, it's not the exercise part (though I do run a lot but that's not what I'm talking about) it is the friendships.  It's the victories that I am blessed to witness.  It's crossing paths with one of my runners (who is clearly 30 minutes ahead of me) and screaming my bloody head for her because "I Know Her!" (and I'm really proud).  It's about sharing really gross running stories and laughing about it later.  It's about our husbands & families that continue to support our crazy habit.  It's about never judging and just encouraging.  It's about sports bra chafing, peeing in the woods, and about going out and bringing in our last runner as a team.  It's about running in the rain and loving every moment of it.  It's about doing it together.  It's about accomplishing things we never thought possible. 

These women came into my life, trusted me blindly, allowed me to help them reach their goals and they still like me!  I'm still experiencing the high of 26 people finishing the Maine Half or Relay 30 hours ago.  I'm vested in every single one of them and I couldn't be more proud of them.  
Little do they know what I have in store.  We start running again on the 15th and I have quite the challenge up my sleeve.  They may not like me any more once they find out!!

1 comment:

Jessica McNulty said...

That is so awesome, Kate!! One more reason I wish I lived closer...Great work!! Tough Mudder???