Sunday, April 28, 2013

Wallis Sands Half Marathon

Today was an amazing day for me.  Yes, just me.  Here's my all about me moment!!!

I went down to Rye, NH this morning to run a half marathon with friends.  We were all running at different paces so I knew I'd be running alone.  I set a goal pace of 1:49:59 for myself (I wanted under 1:50)

The race started at 8am, I was in the first heat that went out, so at 8:00am I hit start on my watch and off I went.

It was a beautiful course!  It was relatively flat with a few slight inclines.  A few ocean views, but mainly touring the residential neighborhoods.  Great water stops with plenty of fans on the course!

I kept watching my watch, doing math in my head, and kept my pace between an 8 and 8:20.  By mile ten the math was getting easier and I knew I would hit my goal.

I ran into the finish line at 1:48:02 (8:15/pace).

I placed:

  • 10th out of 93 in my age bracket 
  • 126th out of 802 overall
  • 54th out of 587 in my gender
I am very excited & proud of myself.  There that's enough about me, back to the kids, the dog, and a bit about that guy.

1 comment:

Jo said...

AWESOME!!!! I'm so proud of you!!! Now go bask in this HUGE and AMAZGING PR for as long as you like! Love and miss ya!