Wednesday, March 23, 2016

More Updates

 Dave and Barbara came up for a few days.  Ryan and the kids spent the weekend with them at Sunday River.  Skiing was okay, company was great!

 Every year I get to read to kids at local schools on Dr. Suess' birthday - it's one of my favorite things about my job!

 She's amazing.

 Juicing!!!  So I started juicing and I make Ryan join in on the fun (he's beer willing).  Every day I juice something like this: celery, carrot, sweat potato, spinach, kale, apple, lemon, ginger, beet, kiwi, and banana - it's amazing and does a body good!

The DDG-1000 (Zumwalt) comes into town every now and then and I LOVE IT!  It's so sexy! Bath Build - Best Built!!

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